Physio Performance, Health & Fitness

Est. 2013




Donore Business Park, Unit 18, 2nd Floor, Drogheda, Co. Louth, A92 HH60

Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

Key details

This website privacy policy describes how MF Physiotherapy Limited trading as Physio Performance protects and makes use of the information you give the company. If you are asked to provide information when using this website, it will only be used in the ways described in this privacy policy.

This policy is updated from time to time. The latest version is published on this page.

This website privacy policy was updated on: 13.05.18

If you have any questions about this policy, please email Mick at or write to: Physio Performance, Gym Plus, M1 Retail Park, Drogheda, Co. Louth.

What is a Privacy Notice? 

Under GDPR, as client of Physio Performance, you have specific rights. To communicate these rights to you in a clear and concise manner, we are providing you with this privacy notice.

Who We Are 

We are MF Physiotherapy Limited trading as Physio Performance, Gym Plus, M1 Retail Park, Drogheda, Co.Louth,  telephone number 086-1958223, email address For the purposes of processing your personal data we are the Controller.

The Personal Data We Process and What We Do with It 

We record and use the following categories of personal data which may include: name, address, telephone numbers, email address, medical history, diagnosis, treatment information, health related information. This data is collected and stored for the purpose of health diagnosis and treatment and forms part of our contract to provide our services. In addition, we may use the information for the following purposes:

  • To notify you about any changes to our website, such as improvements or service/product changes, that may affect our service;
  • Where you have consented to receive our e-newsletters, from time to time to provide that to you.

Sharing Your Personal Data 

We only share your personal data with your explicit consent, where, for example we need to contact a medical practitioner as part of your care. Where third parties are used by us to store your personal data, we ensure they are compliant with the data protection law and any such data is not stored outside of the EU.

Retaining Your Personal Data 

Whilst you are receiving treatment from our clinic we will continue to store and use your personal data. Once you have been discharged, in accordance with the records management code of practice, we are required to retain your personal data for a minimum of 7 years from your last contact with us or until you are 25 (or 26 if you are 17 when treatment ends).

If you have not received treatment, data will be retained for no longer than 6 months.

Your Rights 

As we process your personal data, you have certain rights. These are a right of access, a right of rectification, a right of erasure and a right to restrict processing.

  • You may request a copy of your data at any time. Please make such a request in writing or by email to the Data Controller, whose details are shown above. Please provide the following information: your name, address, telephone number, email address and details of the information you require.
  • If you believe any of the personal data we hold on you is inaccurate or incomplete, please contact us directly and any necessary corrections to your data will be made without undue delay.
  • If you believe we should erase your data, please contact the Data Controller, whose details are shown above.
  • If you wish us to stop storing or using your data, please contact the Data Controller, whose details are shown above.
  • Where you have provided explicit consent for us to use your data you have a right to withdraw this consent at any time.

Data Breaches 

Should your personal data that we control be lost, stolen or otherwise breached, where this constitutes a high risk to your rights and freedoms, we will contact you without delay. We will give you the contact details of the Data Controller who is dealing with the breach, explain to you the nature of the breach and the steps we are taking to deal with it.

Should You Wish to Complain 

You can contact the Data Protection Commissioner about the way we are processing your personal data.

Automated Decision Making and Profiling 

We do not use any system which uses automated decision making or profiling in respect of your personal data.
