Physio Performance, Health & Fitness




Donore Business Park, Unit 18, 2nd Floor, Drogheda, Co. Louth, A92 HH60

Working in Construction & Struggling with Low Back Pain?

Back pain is by far the most common injury we treat on a daily basis here in the Physio Performance clinic. Working on a building or construction site can increase your chances of a back injury as it can be physically challenging & take a toll on your body. If you are someone who struggles with acute or persistent low back pain, it can cause havoc on a normal working day in this line of work.

What intervention best helps patients with chronic low back pain? An article review - Students 4 Best Evidence

Back pain is often classed as a multi-factorial issue. This means that many different things can contribute to the onset, severity, duration and resolution of back pain. While clearly we may have suffered a muscle spasm or low-level ligament sprain which has brought on the pain, the severity of the pain we feel can far outweigh the extent of the injury.

The Anatomy behind Back Pain:

Back pain that comes on suddenly is known as “acute”, however if you are someone who has struggled with this for more than 3 months, it is known as “chronic” back pain. The lower spine consists of many lumbar vertebra and facet joints . You might experience a constant dull ache or a sharp shooting pain.

Low Back Pain - Disc vs Facet Joint — Sorrento Physiotherapy

There can be many triggering factors when it comes to lower back pain, however three of the most common we see are: bulging discs, mechanical strain due to lifting or bending and osteoarthritis.

How Can Physio Help With Back Pain?

Your local physio will firstly assess you using a variety of movements to determine the likely cause. From there, they will put a personalised plan in place specific to your injury, using a combination of manual therapies for short term pain relief & exercises for long term management and strengthening.

Manual therapies for short term pain relief may consist of joint mobilisations, lumbar manipulations, deep tissue massage & glute/hip release. Relaxation also an essential part of managing low back pain. Methods such as meditation, heat therapy such as TECAR therapy & dry needling have all been used to relax both the area of pain, and the body as a whole.

What To Do When You Have Back Pain! | Physio Performance

Once the initial acute pain has settled, a long term customised exercise & rehab program will be put in place to help strengthen up your back. This will help with future management of your injury , particularly at work, in order to prevent further flare ups.

The Physio Performance Way:

Are you working in the construction industry and struggling with acute or ongoing low back pain?

We are here to help you!

We will educate & empower you to help you understand the cause of your back pain and how you can stay pain-free.

Next step: 

Want to get in touch with our team or a therapist or you are looking for some advice?

You can contact us on 041-9877059 or at You can also book an appointment online with us HERE.